JUST SOME THOUGHTS...... I come across a number of remarks about Faith and God and how others view God, The Bible, Jesus Christ, and Sin...Lately I've encountered unbelief in the Virgin Birth of Christ by those who believe "God would never" have The Savior born that way... yet this same view actually has faith in Adam being formed from the dust of the Earth.
It takes much more faith to believe Adam was formed from the ground and Eve from his rib than to believe a pure woman preserved for God gave birth as a virgin to The Savior of the World. Can't God do Anything, beyond what we could think?
Then there's the thought that all races came from one race, (Yes the Human race) but if Cain who slew his own brother was exiled from home by God, and sent into another land, worried that the people already there would slay him, it was needful that God put a mark upon him that no one would harm him...so there were already people out there, and it is My belief that God formed the races all out of the ground and removed A Rib out of each race of Man to form a wife of his own people. Of every race on the earth there is a matching color of sand. According to Acts 17:26 "out of One Blood made God all Nations to dwell on the earth"....However; Adam was formed with Blood also, whose?....God's.
It is written...
Acts 20:28
Then there is the belief that Jesus is just the greatest Prophet that ever lived, but not the Savior, yet this same belief comes from the New Testament that proves Jesus Christ fulfilled the prophecy of the Savior from scripture in the Old Testament And it declares Him to be the Savior of the World. It behooves me that some pick and choose which part of the same passage of Scripture they believe....We wouldn't know Jesus was/is a Great Prophet without the same passages of Scripture that declare Him to also be Lord, Messiah, The One whose Blood was shed for the redemption of the whole world.
We'd like to attribute and limit God to our own human understanding and that's where we get it wrong, The Carnal mind cannot conceive the things of God. 1 Corinthians 2:14
We are constantly advised in the Word of God to "Believe"; Everything cannot be humanly comprehended, Only Believe it anyway the way it is given in the Bible, which is man's handbook for living. One preacher said B I B L E means "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth". ...or Bible Instructions Before Life Ends.
Leviticus 19:19
19Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and wool come upon thee.
(surely mingled seed is common today, especially with the GMO foods and etc. and this is not God's statute or Divine order. Many say "well that's old, and nailed to the Cross", but not everything was nailed to The Cross, only Blood sacrifices, sin offerings, circumcision (for Gentiles), and the purification process is now through the Blood of Jesus. We should also question/shun abortions, transfusions, transplants, surrogacy, IVF, and cremation. God formed the bones in the womb and already has designed a natural decomposition process. Even our bones belong to God)
The most popular remarks from the unchurched believers are, "there's too many hypocrites in the Church ", "if we had to do everything the Bible says, nobody would go to heaven."
Jesus had a betrayer, a liar, an accuser and a doubter, among His Apostles but He loved them and gave them space to repent, understood that we are flesh, and dealt with them, corrected them and It is written that "whom the Lord loves, He rebukes and chastises", We don't turn our backs on the Church or God just because some people don't act like Christians. We, alone will answer to God for our own sins, and neglect of serving Him, the hypocrites are not an excuse. Heaven is already inhabited right now by many of our forefathers who really Loved the Lord, they are there Praying along with Jesus who makes intercession for the Saints on earth. Early Christians were serious about their service to God. The Word of God is not as old as we think,...after all, a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as One day to the Lord, therefore the Bible is only a couple days old in God's eyes; If we truly Love Him, We believe His Word and Obey it.