Let’s make sense In these pagan-threats against Christmas!
Some symbols, especially Santa Claus needs to be removed from the Holiday, Christian children need to be looking up for the Star of David that shown over the manger or for the precious soles of the feet of Christ in the rapture and not some sleigh of reindeer and a flying santa. Do you believe the government in the U.S. will move Christmas to say...September 21st? No!.. and we don’t have Bibles in the hotel rooms anymore, no more 10 commandments on the wall of the courthouses, no more prayer in most schools, no nativity scenes in front of municipal and federal offices. If we eliminate this glorious day of celebration all together we simply wouldn’t have it at all except in our private lives and that's just what the devil ordered, 'remove it, keep it quiet, hide it, and eliminate it'. satan wants to increase and God decrease. "Remember Me", This is the Order of Everyday of the Year (and yes corporately for Holy Communion) but to say we "should Not observe The Lord on December 25th" does Him dishonor, we must never forget "The evening and the morning were the First day and the evening and the morning were the 7th day", and guess what? The evening and the morning are each of the 365 days of the year, and God Made Every Day of The Year, from sundown to sundown, each day Is THE LORD's !!! so don't attribute ANY DAY to the pagans, it is Theft. We may Honor the Lord ANY DAY Of THE YEAR, The Lord Owns the Evening the Afternoon and the Morning!
Let's not be agents and spokes-people
for satan’s agenda and goal to erase Christmas. Let's just Fix
remember sharing with a Jehovah's Witness who said the 'crucifix hanging on
my neck was idolatry', and I said yes “I idolize Christ” and she
said but “you cant make an idol out of the symbol by wearing it, we
are not to wear graven images “.....tsk, then I shared {1st
Corinthians 1:18 } how the preaching of the cross is unto them which
perish, "foolishness" but unto us which are saved it is the
power of God", and how there are graven images all around us, I
asked, "do you have bowls in your home?", well that's a
graven image after the likeness of things in heaven, and your cups
are also, so get rid of all of them and pour drinks in your hand. I also asked "do your kids play musical instruments?" well
that’s also a graven image after the likeness of musical instruments in heaven,
so pull them out of the music classes and get rid of those graven
images. That's what some religious videos on social media are posting,
trying to do away with the “whole” when it only requires getting
rid of a few things within in that are questionable. It is written
in Romans
" Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is
due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor."
(Even the 3 wise men
brought birthday gifts to Baby Jesus.) She mentioned we shouldn’t
honor birthdays because it's idolatry, I mentioned how the Bible says
in Romans Chapter 14, that we should 'let no one judge what days we honor especially if we are honoring the Lord'.
I mentioned how the Bible says
in Matthew
7:11 how we "know how to give good gifts unto our children", and
how Colossians 2:16 says 'let no man judge what days you honor' and Romans14: 1-23 says “some men esteem one day above another and another man esteems
everyday alike, let everyone be persuaded in his own mind”.
We are
making a mountain out of a mole-hill here with contention over pagan
practices and it borders on blaspheming Christ.
you are against extra effort and the setting aside of a high day to
honor the Lord, and are in a country that actually has declared it a
National Holiday and you rebuke it, whose side are you really on? I can see satan’s ministers being the only ones hating Christmas and seeking
to rid the world of it while he makes halloween and devil's night
bigger, brighter, more decorated and celebrated. We need to be
careful not to call so great a celebration in favor of our Lord's
Birth a pagan expression! The pagans worshipped the log, they
idolized the tree, and we only use it as decor. To "deck"
means to decorate, it's in the Bible several times in a favorable
sense, look it up. [ they "decked" the tree and worshipped it ] [ Jer. 10:4 ] Why bring ANY plants into the home for that
matter? Let's keep/get things into perspective. Keep it in Context.
You don’t rid the whole holiday, you rid the items of it that are
The commandment says that we not "make unto thee any graven image of any likeness in heaven or earth FOR TO WORSHIP IT" Lev. 26:1 We decorate the tree we don’t worship it! [ they
"decked" the tree and worshipped it. [ Jer.
The scriptures she referred to were all about "worshipping" the graven images, she mentioned that Barbie and Ken dolls and any dolls, are graven images and sin to have them; I said to her..."Well speaking of things we have that are graven images, made after the likeness of things in heaven, or earth or under water,...well there's chairs/thrones in heaven, trumpets, buildings, mansions and other items yet you have them, and you don't worship them". Exodus 20:5 The command is to "NOT WORSHIP A GRAVEN IMAGE:
because something is not observed in the Bible as a High-day doesn’t
mean we can’t dedicate High-Days to the Lord, It Is an Honor to
Him, and He receives it. Everyday
of the year was given by God, we reserve no days to the pagans, it all
belongs to God who is to be honored everyday, including December
25th, don’t give satan anything! It all belongs to God. Long
Live Christmas Day til Kingdom Come !!!!!!!!
Should we honor the birthdays of dead presidents but not formally recognize the Birth of the King of Kings?
The commandment says that we not "make unto thee any graven image of any likeness in heaven or earth FOR TO WORSHIP IT" Lev. 26:1 We decorate the tree we don’t worship it! [ they
"decked" the tree and worshipped it. [ Jer.
The scriptures she referred to were all about "worshipping" the graven images, she mentioned that Barbie and Ken dolls and any dolls, are graven images and sin to have them; I said to her..."Well speaking of things we have that are graven images, made after the likeness of things in heaven, or earth or under water,...well there's chairs/thrones in heaven, trumpets, buildings, mansions and other items yet you have them, and you don't worship them". Exodus 20:5 The command is to "NOT WORSHIP A GRAVEN IMAGE:
because something is not observed in the Bible as a High-day doesn’t
mean we can’t dedicate High-Days to the Lord, It Is an Honor to
Him, and He receives it. Everyday
of the year was given by God, we reserve no days to the pagans, it all
belongs to God who is to be honored everyday, including December
25th, don’t give satan anything! It all belongs to God. Long
Live Christmas Day til Kingdom Come !!!!!!!!
Should we honor the birthdays of dead presidents but not formally recognize the Birth of the King of Kings?
Should we honor the birthdays of dead presidents but not formally recognize the Birth of the King of Kings?
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