The 1st communion was performed at passover...
In the Old Testament the blood on the doorposts of the lamb slain was to cover the firstborn when the death angel passed over those who applied the blood; It is directly symbolic (related to) the Lord who is the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, His blood covers the house (the bodily temple) causing the wages of sins which is death to PASS OVER all those who APPLY the Blood of the Lord Jesus in faith and obedience, although those who believe but will not COME IN under the covering of the Blood of Jesus nor partake of the "feast of the passover lamb", remain outside of the covering and will be lost.
The same as they were commanded to eat all the parts of the lamb for the passover, we are commanded that if we "eat not His Flesh, and Drink not His Blood, you have no life in you". St. John 6:55
The firstborn were the only concerned parties with the death angel passing thru the first time and thereafter the passover was still observed annually for all whether firstborn or not, But for those of us under the new testament observance, the firstborn who escaped death for all of us is Jesus Christ, (firstborn from the grave, and the dead, first resurrected from the dead) Just as not only the firstborn observed passover, all of us should observe the Lord's body at Communion til The Lord comes. Too often I've seen Christians leave, walk out of the sanctuary a minute before Communion is served, this is dishonor to the Lord's Precious Blood sacrifice! Perhaps they have not made a commitment to the Lord yet or they feel guilty that they still cling to one of the things that clung Christ to the Cross. Jesus bore our sins, truly His Love kept Him Hanging there for us, but it was our sins that nailed Him there.
There are healing benefits to formally observing the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, but the focus is on why we need healing in the first place, and that the healer took our sins upon Himself. There is controversy on how often we should partake; it appears the Word of the Lord only says "as often as you do it, do it unto me...". It could have read "whenever you do it" but it says "as often"; (As long as we do not partake of the Lord's supper/communion for Any Other Reason than "Discerning The Lord's Body", we will not drink damnation to ourselves, but consider this....Can I really be discerning the Lord's Body if I practice what nailed Him to the Cross?
(I believe communion should be observed as often as we would like to formally, as a Body of Believers, remember Jesus Sacrifice, Show/Observe the Lord's death, and Examine ourselves. stir up the Life within us; Certainly sounds like with all the benefits it provides that His sacrifice should be formally observed more than once per year.)
Scripture reference:
1. Do it in Remembrance of The Lord
2. To show the Lord's Death, till He come
3. We are to Examine ourselves (why we participate?) & to reflect on the purpose of partaking/and the Lord's Suffering