satan is still trying to be "like The Most High". Although nobody will ever be, this is one creature who never gives up on a hopeless effort, which is why we as Christians must be diligent, vigilant, wise and redeeming the time as the Word of God tells us to do.
Remember it is written about lucifer:
Isaiah 14:13-14
"For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most high!"
Since satan Can't be "like The Most High" he does things and uses people to "Pretend" to become like Him. satan will pretend to receive praise, pretend or practice to receiving false worship from people and "Copy" the things we only associate with celebrations to commemorate God such as...decorating, feasting, dressup, buying, giving, receiving, gifts for children, lights, props, parties, etc.
satan often gets in entertainers while a huge audience is cheering, clapping, shouting admiration to the celebrity, as satan pretends it's for him, and you'll see them tilt their head back, eyes either closed or odd movements, and arms spread out and other curious gestures. There are cross-similarities he has people doing to help him "practice" or "pretend" to receive recognition, applause, attention and worship...such as:
Decorating our home with outdoor lights
Placing props on the lawn, trees, porch, walkway
Lights/candles in the window
Gifts of candy to the children
Human figures as props scenes
Glorifying death, dying, and evil
Promoting fear/violence/murder
(while at Christmas we were first to...)
Decorate our home with Outdoor lights
Place props on the lawn like a Christmas tree/ornaments
Light Candles in the window
Toys for the Children
Nativity Scenes
Glorify the Life and Birth of Jesus, Eternal Life, Holiness
Promote Hope, Cheer, Love and Forgiveness
(and we wont mention how 'satan spells santa' if you move the n (on satan) to the middle and he is said to be all over the world at the same time, omniscient, omnipresent, lives in the north, bearing gifts for kids)
We don't glorify the dead but Celebrate the Living.
satan wants his holiday to be bigger than Christmas in effort to become "like The Most High, and when I trick-or-treated in the 60's there were no skeleton and zombies and vampire decorations on the front lawns of neighbors. Ever since the world (especially America) has moved from God-Consciousness to a "just do whatever" agenda, the media and television, fascination with murder stories, witches, magic, zombies, the living dead, walking dead, Freddie Krueger, Jason. Chuckie, and etc. from Halloween movies, and Murder series and movies have viewers being entertained and de-sensitized watching the very things that in real life would be a living nightmare!
Even Trees, Light-posts, and Objects that loved ones have accidently ran their cars into; which took their life, is celebrated by decorating the cursed place with Teddy Bears and Flowers helping satan rejoice over taking them from that very spot. The more wicked society gets the more you see the growth of "glory of the underworld" and a decrease in Christian freedom of expression and celebration.
satan is a copycat who still wants everything God has, including us. Let's not let him use us in his quest to become as celebrated as The Most High God!
Philippians 4:8
“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”